Jeff Hesse, Pastor - Share Ministry and Administration
With the amazing support, commitment and professional work of leaders/staff, Pastor Hesse oversees Administration at St. John’s which includes the following ministries: Finance/HR, Missions, Junior & Senior High Youth, Young Adult, and Campus Care. In addition, Pastor Hesse is the Treasurer and on the Board of Directors for St. John’s West Bend Foundation, Inc. Pastor Hesse loves the Lord, His Word and His people. By the power of the Holy Spirit Pastor Hesse seeks to follow, teach and preach Jesus daily… in all of life… trusting in the love, forgiveness and eternal promises of God!
Pastor Hesse did not begin his professional life as a minister. He is a second-career pastor who started in the business world… in finance (banking, small business venture capital) and 17 years as an executive officer for a family of Milwaukee-based companies in the metalworking industry. Pastor Hesse loves to travel with his wife (Christine), hunt deer, fly-fish, fish for muskies and fish for the Lord! To contact Jeff, call the church office (262) 334-4901, ext. 303.
Favorite Bible Verse: John 11:25-26
Stephen Reynolds, Pastor - Connections
Pastor Stephen is a graduate of Concordia Seminary in St. Louis and, after five years of ministry in Florida, the Lord called him to return to the cold and snow to be a part of the pastoral team at St. John's. Pastor Stephen oversees and champions Connections ministries, which includes missions, youth and family, outreach and discipleship. Pastor Stephen is passionate about helping God's people understand that connecting is the ministry of the entire baptized family of God.
Pastor Stephen is married to his wife Rachael, who hails from Marshfield, WI, and they have been blessed with three children – Samuel, Titus, and Naomi. In their free time, Stephen and Rachael enjoy exploring all things toddler related – libraries, bounce houses, basketball courts and, of course Packer football. To contact Stephen, call the church office: (262) 334-4901, ext. 303.
Favorite Bible Verse: Hebrews 2:9
Chris Bruskiewicz, Associate Pastor
Chris serves as a part time Pastor working in care and worship ministries. He also leads liturgy on a regular basis and participates in other pastoral duties as needed.
Chris has the unique blessing of being able to maintain vocations in both the private sector as an Electrical Engineer and as a church worker at St. John’s. To contact Chris, call (262) 719-3754.
Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 42:2
Jim Van Dellen
Elementary and Middle School Administrator
Jim serves as our Elementary and Middle School Administrator. He works to nurture faithful disciples of Jesus Christ at all age levels and is in constant collaboration with our Early Childhood Center. This partnership creates academic excellence and expectations for all of our classrooms. Jim has a passion for developing Christian leaders who will influence the communities they serve for generations.
Jim and his wife Penny, who is also a teacher at our school, have been married for over 30 years and are enjoying the empty-nester life. They have three married children, two sons (Austin – an officer in the U.S. Marine Corps, and Christian – an officer in the U.S. Navy) and one daughter (Katherine – who is also a teacher in a Lutheran School). They are also blessed to be grandparents to Emaline. Jim and Penny like to bike, camp, and just enjoy the outdoors in God’s creation. To contact Jim, call the school office: (262) 334-3077, ext. 403.
Doug Raddemann
Director of Worship
The Director of Worship is responsible for all worship activities and ministry groups. At St. John’s, this includes over a hundred volunteers and multiple staff, leading and participating in various worship support, music, and audio/video teams. The wide reach of congregational involvement creates a great opportunity for collaboration and creativity within our work of discipleship. It is a great joy to see the gifts of God’s people at work in His service; strengthened and sent into His community.
Doug is a son of the congregation. In fact, both he and his wife grew up at St. John’s, met at youth group, married and are raising their kids here. Doug loves being a part of this community of believers and our mission together!
Apart from his time at church, his family loves staying active and outdoors. His wife and three young boys enjoy doing all the classic stuff- sports, hunting, fishing, camping, biking, etc. If you drive by their house, they will probably be outside; if you stop on by, they will offer you a cold drink and include you in the fun! To contact Doug, call the church office: (262) 334-4901, 321
Favorite Bible Verse: Romans 12:1
Nicole Janisse
Director of Children’s Ministry
As the Director of Children's Ministries, Nicole manages and is responsible for the day-to-day operations of St. John's Early Childhood Center (ECC). The ECC provides care for infants through Pre K4, before and after school care, and summer camp for children 5 -10 years old. Additional ministries of oversight include Sunday morning Discipleship Hour for the children and Vacation Bible School. In collaboration with other ministries, Nicole also assists in the coordination of community events including our Easter Egg Hunt and Trunk and Treat.
Nicole and her husband Jeremy love spending time with their children and grandson. In her free time, Nicole enjoys reading and being outdoors, especially hiking and kayaking. A favorite past time is watching her children play in multiple sports and witnessing God working through them in their own vocations. Nicole is thankful for the blessing of dear family and friends.. To contact Nicole, call the Early Childhood Center Office: (262) 429-1061, ext. 502
Lori Yogerst
Business Manager
Lori is part of the Administration Ministry of St. John’s. As an accountant, her position responsibilities range from preparing financial reports recording tithes, offerings and special gifts. Lori also manages the Human Resource duties, as well as, provides oversight of printed materials and mailings for St. John’s. God has gifted Lori with the ability to accomplish the tasks that are necessary to achieve the vision of the Visionary. To contact Lori, call the church office: (262) 334-4901, ext. 310.
Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 28: 6-7
Alan Lull
Lay Minister - Connections, Youth, and Missions
Alan serves as St. John’s Lay Minister of Grades 4-12 and oversees our Missions Ministry. He has a desire to disciple youth and their families through all of life’s issues. He enjoys creating events that are a lot of fun, and yet God inspired. Alan has a heart for reaching the lost and developing servant leaders, regardless of age. He also oversees and plans local, domestic, and international mission trips. Alan enjoys connecting with all of the families here at St. John’s.
Alan has been blessed to travel all over the world, and see God’s hand work in extraordinary ways, in the lives of people. He loves to laugh, bow hunt, and hosting people at his home. Alan is gracious and thankful for his loving wife and two adult children, Hannah and David. To contact Alan, call or text: (262) 707-9198.
Favorite Bible Verse: 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
Janet Hatland
Director of Campus Care
Janet oversees the maintenance and cleaning of all of St. John’s facilities. She also works with staff and volunteers to maintain our beautiful landscaping. Janet has a gift for managing volunteers and assists in the set-up and take down of Sunday morning Discipleship Hour, as well as any large events happening on campus.
Janet loves spending her free time with her family. She has been blessed with three wonderful children, two son-in-laws and six grandchildren. When not spending time with family, she enjoys sewing, quilting and studying God’s Word. To contact Janet, call the church office: (262) 334-4901, ext. 316.
Favorite Bible Verse: Job 19: 25-27
Rachel Morton
Assistant Director of Worship
Rachel oversees the writing of traditional worship services, directs the St. John’s choir and handbell choir, collaborates with individuals to provide special instrumental or vocal service music, and serves as our principal organist/pianist. She also oversees our yearly women's retreat where she collaborates with speakers in thematic writing, teaching, and worship leading, and is a staff oversight to our women's ministry committee in the planning of onsite social events and women's Bible studies. Rachel’s passion in ministry lies in mentorship and in her desire to make participation in music, worship, and service accessible and fulfilling for all people. She enjoys helping people to grow in confidence and to see themselves as carriers of God’s Word in the many formal and informal roles they play both in church and in their families and communities.
When she is not at church, Rachel can be found working on home-improvement or crafting projects, road-tripping to Texas to visit family, spending quality time with her friends and god-daughters, or enjoying a hot cup of coffee in her favorite chair while journaling/writing and composing. To contact Rachel, call the church office: (262) 334-4901, ext. 327.
Favorite Bible Verse: Ephesians 3:17b-19