At St. John’s West Bend, we encourage you to grow in your knowledge of God's Word with others who are living through the joys and challenges of life just like you. We invite you to participate in one of our Bible studies. God guarantees that you will be blessed as you read, study, and learn from His Word.

View the St. John’s weekly Connections E-Newsletters and App for up-to-date information about Discipleship Hour and our Bible studies.


Sunday Discipleship Hour: Plan to join us from 9:25-10:30 AM in the Church Lower Level. Fellowship and refreshments start at 9:10 AM. We have Discipleship Hour Sessions in winter, spring, and fall. Middle School and High School students meet at the school. Children are encouraged to participate in Kid’s Discipleship Hour and in we provide childcare at the Early Childhood Center.

Monday Sister to Sister Women’s Bible Study (Option 1): Ladies of all ages are welcome gather together and dig deeper into God’s Word. We meet each 2nd and 4th Monday of the month from 6:30-8:00 PM at Penny Van Dellen’s home.

Wednesday Sister to Sister Women’s Bible Study (Option 2): Ladies meet from 9:00-10:30 AM in the St. John’s Nursery. Looks for more information in the newsletters and app.

Wednesday Men’s Bible Study: Men of all ages meet and discuss God’s Word at Omicron Restaurant from 7:00-8:00 AM. This group is led by a St. John’s Lay Leader.

Wednesday Adult Bible Study: Men and women are invited to gather from 9:30-10:30 AM at New Perspective in the 2nd Floor Activity Room. This group is led by one of our St. John’s pastors. 

Thursday Adult Bible Study: Men and women are invited to gather in the St. John’s Lower Level Fellowship Hall. This group is led by one of our St. John’s pastors.

Saturday Men’s Bible Study: Men of all ages are welcome to this Bible Study from 7:30–8:30 AM in the St. John’s gathering space. This group is led by a St. John’s Lay Leader.

The Gospel According to Luke

CURRENT BIBLE STUDY: Gospel of Luke - This book of the Bible was dedicated to Theophilus by Luke. In the New Testament, Luke tells Jesus’ story in extensive detail, more so than any other Gospel. Luke records miracles, sermons, conversations, and personal feelings.